What is the Vigilantes de la Noche project?

A citizen science project in which measurements of the brightness of the sky bottom are taken to assess the impact of light pollution.

In the last decade, citizen science initiatives such as "Globe at Night", from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory of the USA, or "IACO", from the Sociedad Malagueña de Astronomía, have compiled thousands of visual measurements of the quality of the night sky using the comparison of what is seen with the naked eye with certain selected celestial charts. "Vigilantes de la noche" follows a similar method, adding the advantage of showing anywhere in the world what the constellations around zenith would look like at the time of observation.

How can we participate?

Participation is completely free and free and you don't need any astronomical instruments, it is enough with your eyes. The process is very easy and on this page we explain the steps to follow.

You can download the mobile application at   

What are your main objectives?

  • Create a qualified database of light pollution measurements at multiple locations. Even though the observations are made with the naked eye, the collection of a large number of them has a relevant scientific value capable of complementing the information collected with other instruments.
  • Make the collected data available to the scientific community that investigates light pollution, to the institutions and authorities involved in solving this serious problem and to the general public so that they can work with the data locally or in a sector wider.
  • Facilitate the study of the evolution over time of the quality of the night sky by taking measurements at different times.
  • Facilitate the collaboration of citizens in the massive acquisition of measurements of the brightness of the background of the night sky anywhere on Earth.
  • Offer quantitative resources to address the corresponding night sky protection measures from the authorities.
  • Promote educational activities through observation campaign proposals.
  • Give alternatives to plan scientific tourism activities.
  • Train the participant in light pollution and environmental protection.
  • Learn astronomy and recognize star constellations.
  • Enjoy nature in a different way while respecting the environment.
  • Promoter entities