It is necessary to use a browser connected to the Internet, be it a mobile phone, a computer or a tablet and accept to share the location.
Sign up to see all the measurements made, click here.
The following conditions must be met:
In the top menu bar, click on the icon "NightTime" and allow a minimum of 15 minutes for the visual capacity to adapt to the night. This is the so-called visual adaptation process.
You have to look north. If you do not know which direction it is, use any compass or GPS application..
In the top menu bar click on the "Measure" menu option.
Click on Stars + / - so that the map in the box looks more like the observed sky.
You can use Rotate + / - and Zoom + / - to facilitate the search.
Remember that the zoom must be 100% to measure.
Once the measurement is complete, click on the "Save" button.